Sales Pulse | Customer Insights

Know your customers

Unlock customer trends and buying behaviour with Customer Insights in Sales Pulse. This dashboard offers a detailed view of customer purchasing habits, history, and upsell opportunities, ensuring you're prepped for any meeting or sales call.

Keep reps on
the pulse

Great sales reps know their customers - from what they often purchase to what they haven’t bought, and what competitors like them are distributing.  

Customer Insights distils purchasing behaviours, preferences, and patterns, giving your reps the insight they need to deliver personalised and informed sales calls.

Lead notes and sentiment-tagging from past engagements are also neatly summarised so sales reps can see what’s been discussed historically and have the context to hand on every call.  

Be proactive with lost sales

The lost sales view is a proactive measure highlighting products that have not been reordered within the customer’s usual reorder timeframe.

This helps reps understand the value at risk if a sale falls through and get ahead of missed opportunities by following up. Within lost sales, reps can filter products by stock levels so they don't offer what you can't supply.

Quantify every opportunity

In Sales Pulse, the value of every opportunity is quantified, whether it’s regaining a lost sale or proactively upselling a product recommendation.

This is presented as the ‘Total Value at Stake’ for both the single sale and the ongoing value if the product is reordered. Together, this helps reps prioritise follow-ups and customise sales calls.