Sales Pulse | Product Recommendations

The smarter sale

Know what your customers need before they know themselves with the Product Recommendations feature in Sales Pulse.

Take the guesswork out of sales deals

End the presales guesswork and enjoy a clear list of upsell opportunities.

With the Product Recommendations feature, Sales Pulse compiles a list of products your customers might be interested in buying based on the purchases of common competition. This means reps can make intelligent and proactive product recommendations.

“Finally, I can watch TV in hotels again.”

Reps love Product Recommendations because it does the heavy lifting of presales, saving prep time and providing a distilled list of products customers will likely want.

How it works

Product Recommendations analyze groups of similar customers to understand broader buying patterns, forming what is known as a 'customer cluster.'

Sales Pulse examines this data to identify patterns: it determines what these customers are purchasing that yours aren't. Based on these findings, it recommends products and ranks their similarity to the cluster by percentage.

Unlock the upselling advantage

You’ve got a solid list of recommendations. What’s next?

Call customers approaching reorder

Run targeted email campaigns

Generate personalised catalogs

Send out product samples