CRM: When did a Platform Became an Indispensable but Expensive, Glorified Address Book?

If you Google CRM, you’ll find more articles complaining about its failures than selling its solutions. Alas, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are still seen as fundamental to modern businesses that aim to streamline their sales processes and improve customer interactions. Originally developed as tools to centralise customer information and manage relationships, CRM technologies have continuously evolved to meet the needs of complex modern sales environments. 

The problem with CRM is threefold.

Data Quality

They are only ever as successful as the quality of data they hold – and sales reps aren’t famous for their granular sales data entry skills.

Purpose Misalignment

They aren’t generally built to help sales be achieved but rather to help sales be documented – so if you think whacking a CRM in your business will increase your revenue by 200%, think again.


CRMs do a lot these days. Today's CRM systems seamlessly integrate functionalities across sales, marketing, and customer service departments, creating holistic business strategies that promise to enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. But they actually cause confusion, distraction, and abysmal user adoption rates.

A new approach 

Sales Pulse takes CRM failures on board to simplify things and focus on the tasks for sales reps. Our TIQbox approach capitalizes on essential, actionable insights derived from the extensive data collected by these systems. It’s the party-out-back, business-out-front approach to data management – where in the backend, the system is transforming dense and often underutilized ERP information – and in the front end, reps are closing deals in a couple of clicks. 

By optimising standard CRM features to improve sales outcomes, Sales Pulse makes every aspect of the CRM more effective, from analytics to customer engagement. The TIQbox approach creates a data-driven framework tailored to the needs of sales teams. This simplifies user interactions and enables sales professionals to make informed, accurate recommendations in sales calls.

Sales Pulse addresses the specific needs of modern sales teams, ensuring that they can respond effectively to changes in customer purchase behaviour. This application of ERP data within a CRM context sets Sales Pulse apart as a solution capable of transforming the efficiency of sales operations.

Ready to see what it can do for you? Get in touch today!

Sophie Oxley

Founder of Sophie SaaS Marketing - the b2b SaaS marketing agency. AI enthusiast, slightly mad marketer.

The Role of Insights for the Modern B2B Sales Rep